Next Conf Realtime Playground
Have you seen the awesome Realtime Playground for Next Conf? I believe most of you did. I thought this is just a fun playground for React/Next Dev
to play around when they are claiming their tickets, but it turns out to be something much BIGGER! ⚠ Risk of jaw dropping
Then, the Frontend Dev
in me started to wonder how they implement such features. I Right Click -> Inspect
and started to dig and study how the magic works.
Realtime sync (Replicache)
It turns out their magic is backed by the Backstage assistant
, Replicache. Replicache makes it easy to add realtime collaboration, lag-free UI, and offline support to web apps. Most importantly, it works with any backend stack 🤯.
If you are planning to add Realtime Collaboration into your project/products, be sure to check it out
Too Complicated?
But, if you find it too complicated 😫 and involves too many steps just to add Realtime Collaboration into your project, then the following guide and series will definitely help you.
We won't dig too deep into Replicache, but trying to replicate similar features by using Supabase⚡
Be sure to Bookmark🔖 and follow my steps in this Series
If you are intrigued and want to know where this series will bring you to, you check it out Here

If you just wanna read codes and ignore the rest of the post, no worry, here's the Github Repo
Supabase Realtime Playground
Fun & Simple Supabase Realtime Demo.
Realtime Play Button • Realtime Chat
View Demo
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⚠️ Archived
This repo has been archive in favor of the new Multiplayer features that is coming soon on Supabase.
Read more about it here
🚀 Features
- 🐤 Twitter Auth
- 🎉 Play around with other user across the internet
- ⌚ Realtime update Cursor and Button Count
- ⛅ Realtime chat
📇 About The Project
TLDR - NextConf Realtime Clone using Supabase Realtime
I was heavily inspired by Next Conf realtime ⌚ functionalities, and take some time on learning how Next implement it. Seems like they are using Replicache to implement the Push/Pull
realtime functionalities.
Then I look around the internet and couldn't find any similar example, thus inspired me to take on the challenge, and utilizing Supabase Realtime ⚡ to replicate similar effect.
After long hour of studying…
Ready ❓
In the next post, I will start sharing about How Supabase Realtime can achieve this features, Why I decided to use Supabase, and etc.
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